
Attention to detail is a skill that every employer looks for, and an error-free application is your first chance to showcase this skill.

Constructive Feedback

Feedback is how we grow and improve. We provide constructive, detailed feedback on your resume and cover letter, so that you have the tools to make every future application great.

Effective Language

Did you know that recruiters spend on average 7.4 seconds on your resume? This is why you need effective language to seize their interest right from the very first words.


You dress professionally for an interview; think of your documents as a visual representation of you. A clean, well-formatted application stands out and shows you are serious about the job.

Why choose us? 

we reviewed

500 0 +
30 0 +
And Worked with
5 0 +
Throughout our collective professional experience, we have more than 1100 hours in job applicant review and hiring. 

We offer resume and cover letter help in all fields: marketing, health and safety, communication, education, engineering, and more!

General Resume editing

Resume Editing


You will benefit from this if you need us to help with:

Resume Editing & Feedback


You will benefit from this if you need us to help with:

Cover Letters


If recruiters spend on average 7.4 seconds on your resume, they spend even less on your cover letter. There are so many similarly sounding cover letters, and you want your content to stand out.


Think of your cover letter as the first impression and the interview as the second. You want to make sure that your individuality and unique experience shine through your content.


Cater your cover letter to the organization. Including their name in your cover letter does not count; you need to show the recruiter that you looked beyond just the job posting.

Resume Writing


$120/resume and cover letter

Resume Writing

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) keywords

Did you know that many companies use software or ATS to scan for specific words in your resume? Some positions receive hundreds (if not thousands!) of applicants, and there is just no other efficient way to narrow the applications down. We pick industry and job-specific keywords to strengthen your resume and maximize your resume’s chances to land on the hiring manager’s desk.

UP TO 60% rewrite

The language you use in your resume is very important. We make sure your resume contains strong action words, metrics that showcase impact, and a flow that highlights your strengths as an applicant.


We work with you until you are satisfied with your new resume. This means that there is no limit to the amount of communication between you and our editors. After we send you your first draft, our channels of communication are open to you, whether it is through email or phone.

Frequently asked questions

No, it does not matter. A shorter resume does not mean that it contains less important content. Sometimes, a shorter resume is trickier because you need to make it shine with bigger space constraints. When working with a longer resume, we want to make sure that the content is very strong and there is no extra, filler information. 

Absolutely! When working with resumes that are longer than 2 pages, we work on focusing the content and getting rid of unnecessary fluff. A 2-page resume is the standard; anything longer is considered too long. 

We normally complete orders within 2-3 business days, but we can accommodate rush orders for a surcharge of 30%. However, there are times when all of our editors are at full capacity, and we will make sure to communicate this with you in advance. 

Unfortunately, not at this time. At the moment, we are focusing on editing and feedback. If we offer resume and copy letter writing services in the future, we will be sure to announce it and have a new section on it on our website. 

We always issue an invoice when we process a payment. If you want any specific names on the invoice, just let us know!

We accept payments through e-transfer, PayPal, or credit card.